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Name: Countess Christine Andrássy
Born in: 1905
Relations: daughter to the Regent and friend to Richard
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Army
Current rank: Major (1935)

Part of the aristocracy, her life was mostly without trials up until her country's defeat in the Great War. The ensuing chaos left a deep impression on her. The events after the armistice pushed her towards a sole goal in life. To never allow such a thing to happen ever again. She saw the quickest route to political power through the army, thus she joined, using a legal loophole. Her devotion to her ambition alienated her peers and made her suspicious to a number of people. Her stubbornness, awkward manners and aristocratic background wins her very few friends. Her aim to protect the country seems increasingly difficult but she still pushes forward to gain influence with the help of Richard.

Name: Richard Vass
Born in: 1905
Relations: friend to Christine
Allegiance: RHA Military Intelligence Corps
Current rank: Major (1935)

From humble beginnings his military career took a wild turn early on. His friendship to the countess encouraged extensive nepotism. To such effect that they became the youngest high ranking officers in the army. His cynicism, downright practical and materialst worldview makes him well suited to intelligence work. Being acquainted with the countess opens many doors for him in the aristocracy despite himself being a commoner. Exploiting such opportunities brought him wealth and influence. Exactly why he chose to help the countess in her ambition is anyone's guess.

Name: Charlotte Stadler
Born in: 1910
Relations: acquaintance of Christine and Richard
Allegiance: Kingdom of Hungary
Current rank: Civilian

Daughter of a wealthy merchant family, she is frequent to high-end parties, mixing with lower nobility. As her father's main tool to achieve higher social status, she is routinely presented with aristocratic young men. Her consistant refusal gains her no favours and gets her into trouble often. Her rebellious nature mixes interestingly with her educated, sophisticated and well mannered self. Her life takes a sudden turn when she meets her role model and subject of her adoration.

Name: His Serene Highness Count Gyula Andrássy, Jr.

Title: Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary

Born in: 1860

Relations: Father to Christine

Background: Amidst the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire with enemies appearing on all sides as well as within, the remnants of the army needed a strong leader to rally around. Which he wasn't. But direction he had: to break away from the Habsburgs and defend the borders as best as they can. He proved to be a convenient front for strong men, who needed some legitimacy but still wanted to operate in the shadows. Stomping out bolsheviks and rebels, all done by zealous generals with or without his knowledge or consent. He remained the presentable, likeable face of the new regime, the well known aristocratic polititian, more suited to diplomacy. It seems like its only a matter of time until his indecisiveness will result in a crisis in this kingdom without a king.

Name: Lenke Teller
Born in: 1911
Relations: older sister to Alice Teller
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Army
Current rank: Corporal (1935) //Captain, commander of the 1st Company of the 1st Armoured Division//
Background: Born into a poor, working-class family she is a woman of the people. She inherited a great sense of duty to king and country as well as a love for the sea, for her father served in the Great War aboard the SMS Szent István dreadnought. After the defeat of the Monarchy and the loss of the ship he returned disillusioned and bitter, which left its mark on Lenke. She gives her all to protect the country she loves and the people in it.

Name: Stephen Bodnár
Born in: 1908
Relations: friend to Andrew Füzessy and Barnaby Kárpáti
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Army
Current rank: Sergeant (1935) //Lieutenant, platoon leader of the 1st Company of the 1st Armoured Division//
Background:  As a member of the upper class in Transylvania he saw a quick degradation of circumstances and living standards caused by the Great War and the following peace treaties. His family quickly became poor and resented in the changing situation of the region. His degree in mathematics and aspirations to become a scholar quickly became meaningless. He has a strong sense of loyalty towards his country and resentment to those who prevented his peaceful life as a mathematician.

Name: Andrew Füzessy
Born in: 1905
Relations: friend to Stephen Bodnár and Barnaby Kárpáti
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Army
Current rank: Sergeant (1935) //Lieutenant, platoon leader of the 1st Company of the 1st Armoured Division//
Background: Born as the youngest son of a farmer in Transylvania, he had to see all his brothers drafted and sent away to fight in the Great War while he could do little to help them. With the defeat of the Monarchy he lost not only his brothers but his country as well. To make matters worse the forceful relocation policies in Transylvania cost him his home. He bears a hateful grudge toward all that wronged him and his family in the past.

Name: Robert Gräser
Born in: 1896
Relations: old comrade and friend to Paul Tilger and friend to Alexander Hautzinger
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Air Force, ex-Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops
Current rank: Lieutenant (1935) //Captain, fighter pilot of the 1st Squadron of the 4th Fighter Wing//

Background: As a veteran and flying ace of the Great War he is relied on in questions of air equipment and tactics by the higher-ups. The defeat of the Monarchy scarred him, he still feels betrayed by the Austrian leadership and politics in general. He tries to wash away the shame in the new conflict and return to glory. His presence commands authority among the men and his expertise keeps his subordinates out of harm’s way.

Name: Alice Teller
Born in: 1913
Relations: younger sister to Lenke Teller
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Air Force
Current rank: Sergeant (1935) //Staff Sergeant, fighter pilot of the 3rd Squadron of the 4th Fighter Wing//
Background: Unlike her sister, Alice cared little about the Great War, being too young to understand any of it. Instead, airplanes and flying caught her attention. From a young age she was fascinated by “those magnificent men in their flying machines”. She was encouraged by her brother who even brought her to air events. Her natural talent made her a viable fighter pilot, but she is not interested in the war, the fighting is more of a nuisance and basically just a way to let her fly.

Name: Barnaby Kárpáti

Born in: 1910
Relations: friend to Stephen Bodnár and Andrew Füzessy, flies with Paul Tilger
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Air Force
Current rank: Sergeant (1935) //Staff Sergeant, dive bomber pilot of the 2/2 Dive Bomber Squadron//
Background: Being born in Transylvania he found himself on the wrong side of the border at the age of 10. Despite having no former training in military affairs he showed a natural talent for flying aircraft. This helped him overcome his previous disadvantages. He has little motivation to fight other than gaining fame and fortune. He sees the war as an opportunity to move up in society.

Name: Eleanor Kóka
Born in: 1906
Relations: friend to Robert Gräser and Paul Tilger
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Air Force
Current rank: Sergeant-Major (1935)//Second Lieutenant, bomber pilot of the 1st Squadron of the 3/3 Bomber Group//
Background: Born into an upper-class merchant family, she had every opportunity she desired. Her connections and proper training eased her way into a well-paying air-transportation job. Despite her motherly attitude – or perhaps because of it, she failed in her personal relationships. Thanks to her extensive knowledge of two-engine planes and experience she was approached by military personnel. To her great surprise she finally managed to make good friends and some more in the new setting. Her motherly feelings unchanged, she fights to protect everyone on her side in the war.

Name: Paul Tilger
Born in: 1894
Relations: old comrade and friend to Robert Gräser, friend to Eleanor Kóka, flies with Barnaby Kárpáti
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Air Force, ex-Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops
Current rank: Staff Sergeant (1935)//Sergeant-Major, air gunner of the 2/2 Dive Bomber Squadron//
Background: As a veteran of the Great War he’s seen the horrors of war, ending up on the losing side with Robert Gräser. The uneven air engagements made him weary of flying. However his strong sense of loyalty and eagerness for vengeance for all the lost comrades made him rejoin the newly formed air force. Much this his annoyance he was assigned to an uppity rookie. Slowly he learned to appreciate his skills in the air, but this did not change his attitude to the youngster.

Name: Seine Majestät Kaiser Wilhelm IV
orn in: 1906

Emperor of the German Empire


Following the terrible defeat in the Great War chaotic years and events plagued Germany. However with the success of the Kapp Putsch the monarchists gained power once more. The disgraced Kaiser Wilhelm II. could not be brought back, neither his son who alienated the troops in the war. This was not the case with the young prince, who now could be named as emperor, under the name of Wilhelm IV. Primarily he just assisted his officials in ruling the empire but lately he grew in confidence, taking on his responsibilites fully, frustrating the political elite. Though quiet and withdrawn, his decisions as emperor show a cold and calculated player in the game of empires.

Name: Giorgio Gruber
Born in: 1899
Title: Advisor to Victor Emmanuel III
Allegiance: Kingdom of Italy

Born into a wealthy and locally influential family, he helped from an early age to keep the South-Tyrol populace in line under the Austro-Hungarian Empire then supported the integration into the Kingdom of Italy. His charisma and connections made him a valuable asset to the new regime. His tireless schemes and machinations landed him an advisory position to the Italian king himself. In recent years his power and influence grew with an increasingly distant king. As a true opportunist he still has ties to the previous Austro-Hungarian administration.

Name: Kirill Romanovich Stepanov
Born in: 1901
Allegiance: Soviet Red Army
Current rank: Colonel (1935) Commander of the Soviet expeditionary force in China

Witnessing the downfall of the Tsar he understood the world was changing. All the horror that followed left a significant impression on him. And not in a good way. From the first days of the civil war he accompanied his father through countless battlefields. Already a veteran, he climbed the ranks of the new regime with relative ease. Although pragmatic and ruthless, his tactics bring results. He uses his position to simply satisfy his greed and carnal needs.

Name: Yana Andreyevna Voronin
Born in: 1911
Relations: friend to Katya Koskin and Svetlana Petrov, flies with the latter
Allegiance: Soviet Air Force
Current rank: Starshina (1935) //Lieutenant, fighter pilot of the 1st Squadron of the 4th Fighter Wing//
Background: Being born before the communist revolution, she witnessed the rise of an overwhelming, dictatorial state and with it, the degradation of human life and morals. Struggling through famine and oppression, she chose the military as a way out of misery. This hope also turned out to be a false one, the only difference is having a full belly most of the time. She is constant agony over helping her comrades or standing up against the state. She desperately tries to protect those close to her.

Name: Pavel Leonovich Koskin

Born in: 1907
Relations: Uncle to Katya
Allegiance: Soviet Red Army
Current rank: Sergeant-Major (1935) tank gunner in the Soviet expeditionary force in China

Showing affinity to machines as a kid, he started off with taking apart the farm machinery, much to his parents dismay. However this skill came in handy later on as he landed a job as a tank mechanic. Soon he took interest in using the vehicles as well. As such he became a tanker in the Red Army. The pay and conditions are acceptable to him. Also, a man needs food to survive. And unlike the citizens, the soldiers are actually fed. 

Name: Esther Hollósy
Born in: 1920
Relations: fresh comrade to Andrew Füzessy
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Army
Current rank: Civilian (1935) //Vice-Lieutenant, commander of a tank of the 1st Company of the 1st Armoured Division//
Background: Born into an impoverished noble family, she grew up rebellious and reckless. Her bad behaviour’s sole purpose is to upset her parents, who have great expectations of her. Being an only child and thus the only hope for her family to regain status, as a final act of provocative defiance she enlisted and joined the ongoing war. This decision soon became a bit more sensible as she showed a keen mind for armoured tactics. She quickly found herself in a tank, en route to defend the eastern borders.
Name: Katya Nikolayevna Koskin
Born in: 1922
Relations: friend and classmate to Svetlana Petrov, friend to Yana Voronin
Allegiance: Soviet Red Army
Current rank: Civilian (1935) //Vice-Lieutenant, commander of a tank of the 2nd company of the 77th Armoured Division//
Background: She was a model citizen for most of her life, up until she decided to enlist and help the benevolent state even more. Soon after she realized the horrors of the system and the utter ignorance of human suffering. Now she is stuck fighting in the trenches, more for her comrades rather than the state.

Name: Svetlana Ivanova Petrov
Born in: 1922
Relations: friend and classmate to Katya Koskin, friend and wingman to Yana Voronin
Allegiance: Soviet Air Force
Current rank: Civilian (1935) //Vice-Lieutenant, fighter pilot of the 3rd Squadron of the 7th Fighter Wing//
Background: She is a prime example of someone, who just doesn’t care. Born into a powerful family with good connections to the party, she bothers herself little with the struggle of the poor around her. She is without ill will, however she knows little about the inner workings of the system she benefits from. Joining the military wasn’t exactly her own idea, but for the first time she decided to take responsibility for her actions and refused the help of her family to pull her out.

Name: Alexander Hautzinger
Born in: 1920
Relations: friend and wingman to Robert Gräser
Allegiance: Royal Hungarian Air Force
Current rank: Civilian (1935) //Lieutenant, fighter pilot of the 1st Squadron of the 4th Fighter Wing//
Background: Being born into a Jewish family put him in a difficult place socially and professionally. Despite his good results at the academy it took several tries and convincing to achieve license to fly a fighter aircraft. After this his situation improved as his comrades cared more about results than origins. A few still doubt him and question his loyalities, but under the guidance of Robert Gräser his military career took a turn for the better.